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The Cabinet
of Curiosities 

an immersive experience

Artists: Bilyana Desheva, Velichka Djambazova, Siana Damyanova, Gergana Ivanova


Logo for the National Museum of Natural History
Logo National Culture Fund, Bulgaria
Logo for Credo Bonum Gallery, Sofia

Watch the trailers

The video trailers were shot by "Studio Zelka"

at gallery "Credo Bonum".

Music: Blagoy Panev

Кабинет на Любопитствата - ARTIFICIALIA

Кабинет на Любопитствата - ARTIFICIALIA

Потопете се в творбата на визуалния артист Гергана Иванова. Като част от работата й по проекта "Кабинет на Любопитствата", Гергана разглежда темата за паметта. Какво са спомените и откъде произлизат? Ако нашите спомени дават приоритет на концептуалната информация, това има ли ефект върху начина, по който те се променят, когато ги извикваме многократно?Макар да възприемаме нашите спомени като ярки образи, те се реконструирани и предубедени. Затова и Гергана Иванова изследва това как умът възприема средата, в която се намира, и как нещо отминало все пак остава запечатано в спомените ни, макар и на фрактали. Музика: Благой Панев Видеото е част от архива на проекта, заснет от "Студио Зелка". Проектът е финансиран от Национален фонд "Култура" и се осъществява в партньорство с Националния природонаучен музей при БАН и галерия "Кредо Бонум."

Curated for You

Exhibition at Credo Bonum Gallery

Get Inspired

The Cabinet

Our project was an immersive exhibition, set in a real life labyrinth. The visitors got to make their own way through, finding the different installations in the process.


The installation by the artist Bilyana Desheva included a series of oil paintings of a jungle landscape. The visitor is situated amongst the landscape, presented with interactive obstacles of mesh wire. That which we can never perceive fully is the unknown and that is the nature of man - a pursuit of the unknown and  the exotic; the eternal enigma.



The immersive monumental installation by the artist Velichka Djambazova leads the visitor to the box within a box - an instrument giving us a direct view of the exploding of the atom; the birth of a star. Walking into the futuristic metal box, we bear witness to the clash between micro- and macro cosmos.



The sculpture Siana Damyanova brings forth the steps of the anima mundi. Creating a vertical view of the horizontal terrain from papier-mâché, the artist turns our attention to what we humans tend to ignore - the trace fossils of the presence of life.



With her site-specific multimedia installation the visual artist Gergana Ivanova gives us a look into the structure of memory. How do we modify everyday objects in their relation to our memories and how do we change the history, according to our own subjective perception?


Exotica series

The Museum

Our partnership with the National Museum of Natural History included a guided tour of the museum collection and the interview series "Talks in the Museum" between artists and scientists.

Some photographs from our tour of the museum's collection.

Including a small crocodile mummy - the very first fossil in the collection.

Watch the video interviews

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